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3 Tips To Find The Perfect Inspiration Photo

Updated: Apr 24

Hey hey friends! So you figured out you might be interested in going lighter. Now the tricky part is explaining what you want and making sure you are on the same page as your stylist.

You should always, always, always look for an Inspiration Photo! Why?!?!

A picture is worth a thousand words - Neopoleon Bonaparte

There is so much to be said and so many questions that can come out of only 1 picture. I suggest looking for 2-3 inspiration pictures that you like.

When looking for an inspiration pic, you should look for...

1. Similar hair texture to your own

Yes, you can style your hair like that beautiful smooth curled hair but are you going to do it daily?

If you have curly/wavy hair and wear it natural most days, your hair will not look exactly like the perfect Pinterest inspo pic you chose. I would search for "curly/wavy hair"

2. Your natural hair color

If you are brunette looking for lighter hair, I would search "brunette highlights" this will give you realistic options for your first lightening visit. It can take time and patience to get to the brightness you want to achieve.

You can definitely go lighter in future visits but you want to start with something similar to what you have and we will create a plan to get to that dream hair!

3. Look for 2-3 inspo pics

Looking for multiple pictures that are similar is super helpful. When you come in for your visit, we will pick apart all of your pics to see exactly what you like and don't like in each.

You might like how that one pic blends the front pieces naturally but you aren't crazy about the bold pieces throughout. That is perfectly fine, we will dissect the pic to get you exactly what you are looking for.

We will also talk about maintenance of that color and if it works for your lifestyle or if something else would work better for you!

Some things to remember...

1. Most Pinterest/ Instagram pics do have some form of extensions

I love me some extensions but if that is not something you are looking for, your style will look slightly different than the inspiration pic. If you want that same type of look, I'm here for it! We can talk extensions all day!

2. Some pics are goal pictures

What I mean is, it is okay to have pics that we can create in time. It's actually really good to have goal pic, that way you know exactly the time and cost for your next visit.

3. Most pics have a darker root

If you zoom in on any pics you will most likely see a darker root. The reason for that is because it will give you a low maintenance blend, more longevity, and covers/blends grey hair. Which we can discuss more during your consultation.

Okay let's recap...

Looking for an inspiration pic is super important to be able to see the end result you are looking for.

3 Tips To Find The Perfect Inspiration Photo

  1. Look for a pic with similar hair texture to your own hair

  2. Look for a pic with your natural hair color and add "highlights" to it

  3. Show your stylist 2-3 similar pics

Some things to remember...

  1. Most inspo pics have extensions

  2. Inspirational pics can be goal pics

  3. Most pics have a darker root

There you have it, tips to find the perfect inspirational pic for your next hair visit. Let me know if this helped or send me some questions you have and it might be answered inin an upcoming blog!

Check out my next blog post "Brunettes going Lighter" to see the steps to getting lighter and keeping true to your natural tones!

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